“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” (Proverbs 13:20)
One of my favorite sayings is, “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”. This is indeed a true statement; you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. I know first-hand some of the negative consequences that can happen when we surround ourselves with the wrong people. When I was a teenager, for example, my mother called one of my friends “bad news” because every time their name came up in a conversation, it was accompanied by a negative storyline. Eventually, my name became associated as one who is running with “bad news.” Trouble followed.
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character. (1 Corinthians 15:33)
As Christians, we need to be intentional about who we have in our lives. We need friends that will stand with us in prayer, encourage, challenge, and speak the word of the Lord into our lives.
These positive friends will elevate us to higher standards and will help us reach our full potential in Christ.
Finally, beyond being on the “receiving end” of positive friendships, resolve to be a life-giving friend yourself. Set a strong, godly example and be a light to others. In this way, you will also be a blessing to their lives, helping them build character.
Lord Jesus, help me become and have that type of friend you mention in the book of Proverbs, a friend that “sticks closer to a brother”. (Proverbs 18:24)