At New Life, discipleship (spiritual formation) is summed up in three words: Love, Grow, and Serve. Everything we are becoming as thriving followers of Jesus can be included in these areas. We invite you to join us in the journey of loving God in worship gatherings, growing together in small groups, and serving others in volunteer ministry.

Jesus said that the “first and great commandment” is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. On a personal level, loving God is a lifestyle of fully following Jesus, and a heart that pursues His Presence. The Rooted Course is an excellent starting point if you are beginning your faith-journey.

Collectively, loving God is expressed in our main Sunday Worship Gatherings. Every week our worship band leads us in times of music and song that are passionately God-focused. The Spirit of God moves beautifully in an atmosphere of worship!


The second focus in our discipleship process is Growing Together. Life groups provide a place of community where relationships are built, God’s Word can be applied, and individuals are mentored and strengthened in their faith.

Click here to connect to a Life Group.

Life Groups – L.I.F.E.

  • Love – the defining quality of the groups.
  • Intercession (Prayer) – God loves to answer prayer, and the groups make a practice of praying for God’s Kingdom to come in specific ways in each other’s lives and homes, in our church, and our region.
  • Fellowship – everyone is a participant and a part of listening, sharing, and fellowship. Each one in the group shares their spiritual journey at different times as a part of this process.
  • Encouragement – through sharing the Word and good reports of what God is doing.

New Life Groups form throughout the year. To sign up for a Life Group, or get more information, you can also contact our Connection Pastor, John Bidaurreta at [email protected].

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

Our discipleship process begins with the Great commandment to love with all our hearts, and continues with spiritual growth that happens in community. Our third focus, serving others, progresses to the Great Commission – making disciples.  As we follow the example of our Lord Jesus in serving others, we partner with God to bring transformation to the world around us.

God has purposed that every believer be equipped to do ministry. There is a unique calling and gifting in every member of Christ’s body that is activated in both serving other believers, and serving the world.