Services Stream Live on Sundays at 11 AM, or on-demand on the New Life Church Novato YouTube Channel.
Sunday – 9 AM & 11 AM
Sunday Morning Services are at 9 AM & 11 AM upstairs in the main auditorium. Children’s Ministry for Nursery-Elementary will take place in both morning services. Elementary (K-5) children join the adults for worship at the beginning of both services and are dismissed after worship. Middle School students (6-8) join the adults during the 9 AM service, and have MYC Discipleship during the 11 AM service, also dismissed after worship (except for the first Sunday of the month).
Children’s Ministry Information
Check-In Times
9 AM service: 8:45 AM – 9:05 AM check-in open
11 AM service: 10:45 AM – 11:05 AM check-in open
Check-In Locations
- Nursery (0-30 months) Check-in infants/toddlers in the 1st-floor lobby or directly in the Nursery (entrance in the 2nd-floor Lobby near the sanctuary).
- Preschool (30 months –PreK) Check-in your preschoolers in the 1st-floor lobby or directly in the Nursery (entrance in the 2nd-floor Lobby near the sanctuary). You can then take your pre-schooler to the preschool wing, located to the left of our main building entrance.
- Elementary (K-5th grade) Check-in your K-5 Kids in the 1st-floor lobby.
Tuesday – 6 PM
- A one-hour (6 PM – 7 PM) time of weekly worship and prayer, pursuing God together in the Prayer Room.
Wednesday – 6:30AM
- A time of weekly prayer on Zoom.
Wednesday – 7 PM
- Movement Youth Culture for Middle School & High School.
1st and 3rd Friday of the Month
- Vibe Young Adults – Friday @ 7 PM. (Visit page)
1st Saturday of the month
- African Oasis. (Visit page)