The Value of Integrity – Milt Hodges

Amy JamesLifeBlog

One of the greatest virtues in all of life is Integrity.  What is integrity?

Integrity is defined: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. Or the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.

I love this quote by Margaret Thatcher:

“Watch your thoughts for they become words.

Watch your words for they become actions.

Watch your actions for they become habits.

Watch your habits for they become your character.

And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.

What we think, we become.” –Margaret Thatcher


Today in our culture success is celebrated above integrity. There is a prevailing attitude that says, “As long as I’m successful who cares how I get there.”

▪    The man who misrepresents his income when he fills out his tax forms

▪    The person who lies to their friends about an alcohol/drug problem to maintain a favorable impression.

▪    The young adult who lies on his resume to land dream job.

▪    The child who steals money and then lies about it to his parents to avoid punishment.

▪    The student who cheats on a test is trying to avoid the consequences of not studying properly.

▪    The professional athlete who uses a banned substance to perform beyond expectations to get ahead.

▪    The spouse who has an affair is trying to avoid the guilt by hiding it ever occurred.

▪    The police officer sworn in to protect the citizens of his/her community becomes a thief to live a better lifestyle.

One of the reasons people lie about things is they have a lack of trust in God.

Job is a man who stands out in the Bible to me because his life is a great example of integrity.  In Job chapter 1, we see God bragging to Satan about Job’s integrity.  But Satan responded that Job only served God because of all the benefits God gave him and not out of love and devotion. Satan told God that if he removed His hedge of protection from Job that he would curse God. The test came and job lost all his wealth and children in one day.  But despite Job’s great loss we find his astounding response to this tragedy in verses 20-22

20 Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. 21 And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.” 22 In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.

Recognizing God’s sovereign rights (The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away), Job praised the Lord.  Imagine losing your entire family and all of your money in one day.  It is remarkable that Job followed a major crisis with adoration and worship. Many people would give up, become bitter, and blame God.  Job would endure another test in Job chapter 2 but in all the suffering Job maintained his integrity when the circumstances of his life became unfavorable. Are you willing to trust God when everything is going crazy in your life?

Personally, in some of my biggest trials I would seek God as a last resort in favor of frustration, depression, and fear. But when I turned my heart and focus on the Lord it didn’t change my circumstances necessarily but God gave me the peace, wisdom, and unspeakable joy in the midst of it.

Let’s encourage one another to worship God through our pain and our trials. There is a life exchange that happens to lift us, guide us, and support us through the storms of life.  And in the midst of it all let’s maintain our integrity as a testimony to others.