The Destination and The Companion – Andrev Baltazar

Amy JamesLifeBlog

​Being active in the ministry for the last 15 years, I have seen people reach the destiny or destination that God has planned for their lives. The fruit of their journey is undeniably from the Lord. It is something that we admire, as God has blessed them along the way. However, I have seen close friends totally miss it, because of various reasons and factors that surrounded their lives. I believe it is not too late for those friends, but one thing I realize, even in my own walk, is that the “Companion” is more important than the “Destination”.

​I’ve seen people get burned out with the ministry they are doing because they have become so focused on reaching that destination that they forget God (the companion) along the way. We have heard the saying “We’re too busy with the kingdom instead of the king”, and this could be true with anyone called to the ministry. God, who is supposed to be our companion, is sometimes neglected, and our drive to reach that destination fuels our lives, instead of being with God as our ultimate goal in life. I think of it like this: you are driving a car that ran out of fuel on the way because you didn’t fill up before the trip or along the way when you had a chance. It’s good to arrive where God wants us to go, but His presence along the way is what truly blesses whatever we touch.

​Moses said “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. 16 How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”, Exodus 33:15. He understood that no matter how beautiful and good the promised land is, without God’s presence with him, it is not worth it. He understands that without God in it, the “destination” is just a mere location.