Staying Power – Rachel Klinge

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IMG_5957Practically every time I head out the door for a long run, I think about my dad. While he’s not much taller than me and thirty years older than me, he’s done something I don’t think I could ever do—run a 100-mile race. What is even more astounding is that he has done this more than a few times! Without question, he possesses endurance, the power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult situation without giving way.

1 Corinthians 9:24-25 tells us that our walk with God is greater than an afternoon athletic competition, which is over in a short while. We are in a race that requires discipline and endurance. We need staying power! Abraham stands out as one that possesses staying power. Hebrews 11:9-10 tells us that he literally “dwelt in the promise”. He chose to live in what God spoke day after day. Difficult and discouraging times show you what you’re made of, what you’re willing to build your life on. Abraham built his life on the Sure Foundation, on the One who does not change and does not lie. He was able to live unsettled in the temporal to keep active pursuit of the things that are eternal. He was fully convinced that God keeps His promises.

Do you remember the man who came to Jesus & said, “I’ll follow you wherever you go”? Jesus said, “Before you make that kind of commitment, you need to realize that foxes have holes & the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” In other words, if you follow Christ, realize that there will be difficulties. This won’t be an easy life of comfort. There will be difficult & discouraging times. But after you realize that, & then put your hands to the plow, He said, “don’t look back.”

His words empower us to do what they tell us. You can continue the race today! You have staying power through the word that God has spoken. Be “fully convinced that what He has promised He is also able to perform.”