Listening to the Voice of God – Michaela Baltazar

Amy JamesLifeBlog

God wants to speak to us. It is absolutely necessary for Christians to be able to hear God. God is our Father, we are His children. God wants His children to listen to Him just as we want our kids to listen to us.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:4, 27

Our heart attitude should always be: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”. 1 Sam 3:9

We must hear from God; He directs us. He is our navigational system. The way the navigational system works in the car that’s how God wants to operate in our lives.

Now, I am not the best person when it comes to directions. I cannot live without a GPS. No matter how many times I have been to a place I can still forget how to get there or still miss some turns. What I like about a navigational system is that when I make a mistake it does not say, “That’s it for you, you will never make it there. You are stuck out here”. No, It just says “Make a u turn” in a gentle voice, calming the already panicking me. It is the same thing with God, we need Him to tell us when we made a wrong turn and how to make a u turn. Driving_GPS

Sometimes it gets hard to listen to God when there’s too much noise around us, especially when we are in trouble. We talk to other people before we listen to God. He wants us to shut out all the other noise so we can hear clearly and obey His instructions. We cannot obey right if we did not hear right.

Now when you are driving and using a navigational system, it will not say anything until the next instruction. It’s not going to tell you “You’re doing good, just keep going”. Most of the time, the GPS is silent. There are times God is silent in our lives. That is why we need to walk by faith and not by sight. Just keep going even when He is silent. But when God speaks, we need to be quick to obey. We don’t want to miss any instructions from God. We need to know what He is speaking NOW.

In Genesis 22 when Abraham was on top of the mountain and he was about to kill and offer his son, Isaac, because God had instructed him to do so, the angel of the Lord spoke to Him.

 11 At that moment the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Yes,” Abraham replied. “Here I am!” 12 “Don’t lay a hand on the boy!” the angel said. “Do not hurt him in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son.”

If Abraham did not listen to the now word of God, he would have killed his destiny. If Abraham missed the now instruction and just operated on the last thing God had said, He might have ended up killing his future. It is important to listen to what God is speaking to us at this time. God wants to speak to us. He wants to speak through the trouble that we are in. We need to listen and obey.