In-Person Sunday Services
Based on the Supreme Court ruling of February 5, 2021, the CA Blueprint for a Safer Economy has been adjusted to reflect that churches and places of worship may open at 25% capacity with modifications. For New Life Church, this means we add the option of safely hosting indoor gatherings with 125 people or less in the sanctuary. We’re currently holding Sunday services at 10 AM.
In-Person & Online Hybrid
We will continue to provide Live Streaming every Sunday along with in-person services for everyone that decides to attend services from home. We ask that all at-risk individuals continue to engage in church-at-home rather than attending in-person services. The Pre-Service show will begin 15 minutes before the start of each service, at 9:45 AM.
Safety Protocols
- Social distancing. Social distancing is required on the NLC campus. Sanctuary seating is arranged in a physically distant way, with groups of chairs arranged together for family/household seating.
- Cleaning & Filtration. We have upgraded our cleaning protocols and our HVAC filters. We will be running the units continuously for extra ventilation. (A big shout out of appreciation to Basil & Leah Falcone and their team at Environova for all of their consulting and assistance!)
- Entrance/Exit. In-person attendees will enter and exit through different doors. The host team will provide instructions when you are on campus.
- Fellowship. The Cafe is not open at this time, and we ask that no one congregates in the Lobby. Plan to have physically-distant fellowship outside after service to avoid hanging out indoors. (Side note: we ask that no one bring coffee, food, or any other drink into the sanctuary. Water is okay.)
- Hand Washing. Hand Washing stations have been installed by the outdoor bathrooms. Hand sanitizer is also available around the facility.
Things to Note
- Pre-Registration. Pre-registration is required for everyone that plans to attend an in-person service. This includes a pre-screening questionnaire. Since there are attendance limitations, please register only if you definitely plan to attend. A unique registration is required for each person. (See the form below.)
- Limited Children’s Ministry. In addition, children are welcome to attend services with their parents. Family seating is available. “Children should remain in the care of those in their household unit and not interact with children of other parties at any time while visiting facilities.” Please note that the playground area is closed. Stayed tuned for the addition of in-person children’s ministry.
- Face coverings and social distancing. Face coverings are required indoors, along with social distancing.
- Check-in. Each person attending will check-in at the main entrance, with a quick temperature scan and a brief pre-screening. Check-in will open 30 minutes before the start of service.
Thank you for helping us host in-person services safely! We know it’s not a lot of fun to deal with these extra restrictions, but we are grateful for the opportunity to have our church family on campus again.
See you Sunday!