A Day of Healing from the Hurt of Abortion & Other Loss of the Unborn | October 22, 2022, 11 AM
Venue: Christ Church North Bay, 6965 Redwood Blvd, Novato
(Off Hwy 101, near Hwy 37, across from Vintage Oaks/Costco)
- Free!
- Live music
- Speakers who know the hurt of abortion
- 35-ft Foundlings Abortion Memorial Quilt
- A team of experienced and compassionate people available to talk and pray with you
- Arts space for creative healing expression
- Refreshments
- Childcare is provided for those who sign up at www.ADayofHealing.com
In our culture, a taboo surrounds the topic of the emotional hurt that comes from an abortion experience. This is even true in the church. Many carry a secret and silent burden of shame, regret, and guilt.
Prepare a Room Ministries is breaking the taboo so that those who are hurting can hear a message of hope and start on the path to healing. We affirm that full forgiveness and healing can be found in Jesus.
This event is not about the politics of abortion – it is an open door for those who have no one to talk with about this emotional hurt. We offer love, not condemnation.
We also welcome those who have suffered the loss of the unborn through other causes aside from abortion. All are welcome. The Foundlings Abortion Memorial Quilt will be unveiled at this event. Honoring the dignity of human life, this 35-foot quilt features 500 artistically imagined faces of the unborn, ministering with quiet beauty and extending the invitation to all to come to be forgiven and healed.
The hurt of abortion has touched everybody. Come for yourself or bring a friend who needs healing.