Count It Joy! – Dustin Box

Amy JamesHomepage, LifeBlog

How many of you have had a conversation with another believer that went something like this: “How’s it going?” “A little rough. My car broke down this week, and my boss has been overloading me at work.” “Count it all joy, brother. Count it all joy.” At this point you want to find the nearest trash can because you just … Read More

Sharpened – Rachel Klinge

Amy JamesEncouragement, Homepage, LifeBlog

A long time ago, the old sitcom “Cheers” theme song struck a chord in the hearts of many Americans. You can probably recall the lyrics that went like this, “Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came; You want to be where you can see, Our troubles are all the same; You … Read More

Staying Power – Rachel Klinge

Amy JamesEncouragement, Homepage, LifeBlog, Stories

Practically every time I head out the door for a long run, I think about my dad. While he’s not much taller than me and thirty years older than me, he’s done something I don’t think I could ever do—run a 100-mile race. What is even more astounding is that he has done this more than a few times! Without … Read More