Clicking the above button allows you to easily and safely give online from our secure portal, using either a Personal Check (e-check) or a Bank Card (Credit Card or Debit Card) including VISA, MasterCard and Discover.
To maximize the effectiveness of your contribution, we suggest using a Personal Check (e-check) whenever possible as this avoids the fees associated with Bank Cards (Credit Cards and Debit Cards).
You can also set up recurring/scheduled giving, and designate gifts for missions or other areas of ministry.
If you are giving with Breeze for the first time, a New Life Church Breeze account will be created for you. You will be sent an invitation to create your username and password, giving you secure access to your giving records online at any time. If you would prefer to continue to receive a paper statement at the end of the year, or at any time by request, please email [email protected] or call the Church office at 415-892-0714 and let us know.
See our Online Giving FAQ Page for more information.
NEW /// Check out the New Text-to-Give option for a safe, convenient giving option.