Hope Is Alive |Personal Stories of Hope & Faith
Thank you for watching Hope is Alive, a testimony series featuring the stories of people just like you. Hear how they encountered hope in their lives as Christ encountered them. Let these stories and testimonies encourage you in knowing that God loves you and is working in your life.
This is our prayer for you: “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)
We invite you to begin a personal relationship with God by putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and receiving His forgiveness. Please fill out this connection form, and someone from our team will be in touch: God Bless you! #Hope #HopeIsAlive #JesusSaves

HOPE IS ALIVE Testimony Series | Michelle (Salvation)

HOPE IS ALIVE Testimony Series | Billy

HOPE IS ALIVE Testimony Series | Sonia

HOPE IS ALIVE Testimony Series | Dave & Tanya

A FRESH START IN NOVATO /// Rachel Klinge Testimony | New Life Church

FROM DEPENDENCY TO FREEDOM /// Travis Borrman Testimony | New Life Church