Teenagers Experiencing True Freedom – Milt Hodges

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Teenagers Experiencing True Freedom
May 4, 2012 – By Milt Hodges, Student Ministry Pastor @New Life

Can teenagers heading in the wrong direction find true freedom through Jesus and be transformed in a moment?

Yesterday, I was reflecting on a teenage girl who attends our weekly youth services. As tears welled up in my eyes, all I could say is, “God, I’m so in awe of You.” I’ve watched this teenager go through such a transformation that it seemed unbelievable. This teen’s life was empty, broken, abused, and lonely. In one moment, at a recent Easter Camp, I watched God make “all” things new in her life.


Our youth group, Gen7 recently held our annual Easter Camp on April 9th–12th. Our theme was simple: Freedom. The accompanying scripture was John 8:32, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” My wife Stacy and I knew this camp would be significant, but were not sure what that would look like.

On the first night, our guest speaker, Pastor Cleve Masten had our young people write down all the things that were holding them back from walking with God on an index card. At the end of our first service, we walked up to the fire pit and had all of the teens toss their cards into the fire. This was a prophetic act and caused a shift to take place in the hearts of our young people. It set the stage to knowing the truth and the path to experiencing true freedom. In order to find freedom through Jesus we must receive and embrace His truth. We cannot experience God’s freedom without accepting God’s truth.
Who’s in Control of Your Life?
During our last night, I shared about the importance of giving God full control of our lives. Every student knew they had a choice as to how they would return home from Easter Camp. They could return free by yielding control of their lives to Jesus and therefore be a “freer” of others. Or, they could retain control of their own lives and remain a prisoner of sin. Many of our young people have tried being in control of their lives only to crash tragically over and over again. But during Easter Camp, many students became free because they gave Jesus full control and experienced a new freedom that ignited a fire and passion for God.

As usual on the last night of camp, we offered s’mores at the fire pit after the end of the service—but the vast majority of the students chose to stay and worship the Lord. Many rolled around on the floor laughing and/or crying—being in God’s presence was more important. Really… how often does that happen?
What Happened Next . . .
• A fire is spreading through our young people bringing an unquenchable thirst and hunger for God’s presence.

• We have students who have literally been transformed before our eyes. They look different, dress different, talk different, and love like Jesus. They are 100% in love with Jesus and are sharing God’s love with friends, family, and others.

• From my wife: “What we’ve been waiting to see change in our young people for years, God did in three days!”

• Two of our teens went home and removed all of their old songs from their music devices and replaced them with Christian music.

• One student who was taking medication for anxiety and depression no longer needs to—and the doctor has verified and approved it.

• 5/2/12: It’s hard to put into words what happened at our youth service on Wednesday. We had between eight and ten first-time visitors because our young people are inviting their friends. God visited us in such a powerful way that after worship I asked for a time of silence. It was surreal. Everyone knew we were not the only people in the room. You could hear young people crying but the atmosphere of Heaven was in our midst. It was incredible. It was like feeling so exposed—but at the same time there was a feeling of warm love and deep security. I shared briefly during that service out of John 13:1-17 and focused on how we get so “dirty” walking in this world. During the response time I asked if anyone wanted to have his or her feet washed. I would wash the guys’ feet and Stacy would wash the girls’ feet. We told them we would pray over them and have prophetic ministry during that time. We expected one or two students to respond, but were surprised by the line that formed. It was a sacred moment because God loved on every single teenager.

• 5/3/12 Juvenile Hall: We have a team that takes God’s love and message to our local juvenile hall twice a month. I shared a similar message with the teens there but could not literally wash their feet. However, I was able to bring a basin and towel and act it out for them. At the end I asked if anyone wanted God to wash the dirt off his or her feet. Eight teens stood up and each of them prayed with strong conviction in their voice and received Jesus into their lives for the first time.
What About You?
Would you like to experience true freedom in your life? All you have to do is ask Jesus to come into your life; ask Him to forgive you; and give Him control of your life. God loves you so much and has great things in store for your life. God bless you!

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