Super Food Vs. Junk Food – Caleb Klinge

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Several times a day we all make choices about what we’re going to eat. The food that we physically consume is an excellent metaphor for what we allow our souls to feed on. We can feed on things that energize us spiritually, or make choices that taste good for a moment, but result in lethargy and a loss of passion.

My family eats healthy on a fairly consistent basis, but I’ll be the first to confess that I don’t always order the healthiest dish off of the menu. It’s true, those unhealthy choices are enjoyable for the first few bites, but then that “blah” feeling sets in along with feeling lethargic and un-energized. That feeling also describes the heart condition of a person that consumes spiritual junk food. It’s time to start making different choices.

In John 4, Jesus explained to His disciples that He had food to eat that they hadn’t yet discovered; a spiritual super-food.

 31 In the meantime His disciples urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” 32 But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” 33 Therefore the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?” 34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.

Earlier in this chapter Jesus arrived in Samaria physically tired, thirsty, and hungry – like anyone would be after a long journey. The disciples went to buy food while Jesus rested by the well, and ministered to a Samaritan woman. When the disciples returned with provisions and found that Jesus wasn’t hungry, they thought that a kind villager must have given Him some refreshments. That’s when Jesus explained that He was nourished and energized as he ate the nutritious super food of doing the Father’s will.

More than ever, nutritionists are helping us discover the benefits of incorporating super foods into our diets. Eating more foods like superfoodskale, wild salmon, and blueberries helps us to maintain a healthy weight, fight disease, and live longer, thriving lives.

Just as these healthy foods nourish the physical body, doing the Father’s will nourishes, satisfies, and brings joy to your entire life. There is a communion with God in doing His will that is so rich and life-giving that it temporarily displaces other appetites. In this case, Jesus was so energized and satisfied in doing the Father’s will that He didn’t even feel physical hunger.

Everyone is born with an innate hunger for relationship with God, which includes experiencing His Presence and doing His will. However, people often make the mistake of trying to satisfy that hunger with spiritual junk food. This includes believers as well as unbelievers.

This junk food might come in the form of having a need for man’s approval or even an addiction to the approval of others. It may come in the form of some kind of sexual addiction, “looking for love in all the wrong places”. It could be a morsel of “delicious” gossip that just has to be shared – it makes you feel powerful for sharing inside information but it’s like eating a cup of lard that clogs your spiritual arteries. It might also be something that’s seemingly more benign, like filling the void in your heart with constant entertainment, activity, and busyness to avoid the emptiness. But the end result is the same. The “if it feels good do it” motto only feels good for a moment. It’s like gorging on junk food, but so much worse.

Junk food temporarily satisfies but afterward makes you feel bloated, sluggish, and lousy. Your Heavenly Father doesn’t want you to feel “blah”. He wants you to discover a fresh, organic super food that will super-charge your inner life.

Jesus’ disciples didn’t know about this food yet, but they would each learn. You are invited to learn this powerful lesson just as they did. Their story is written for our example.

Discovering the will of the Father starts with the Word. Jesus said, “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).” Take time to get into the Bible. Put it into practice. This super food will be life to your heart. As you eat the Word, you will become more sensitive to the voice of the Lord. You will become aware of Holy Spirit’s impressions on your spirit. As you say yes to His will, you will discover exactly what Jesus meant when He said, “I have food to eat that you don’t know about”.

Later on in John 21:5, Jesus asked them, “Children, do you have any food?” That’s the question for us today. Do you have any food? Have you discovered the super food of doing the Father’s will, or are you full of the toxins and preservatives found in the junk food processed by the world? Doing your own will independent of Him will leave you empty. Doing the Father’s will supernaturally energizes you.

God wants you to thrive! So while we are all discovering the need to eat more spinach, walnuts, and even a little dark chocolate in moderation, make sure that you also discover the super food of doing the will of your Father. Incorporating this into your life’s diet will energize you like never before, and the health benefits are eternal. Taste and see the Lord is good!

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