Who We Are
The Principal Objective
Admissions Requirements
Cooperative Graduate Schools
Courses Offered
New Life Bible College, a campus of Christian Life International Bible College (CLIBC), is located in Novato, California at the corner of South Novato and Rowland Boulevards. “Novato” comes from a Miwok word meaning “valley of gentle seasons”, describing well the beautiful Marin County landscape, twenty miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge.Many of California’s best recreational opportunities are located in Northern California. Nearby, there are redwoods, many beaches, and a few lakes. There are also six colleges in the immediate vicinity through which students may further secular educational goals.
Who We Are
New Life Bible College is the ministry training arm of New Life Christian Center. In the early Church, believers were trained in the local fellowship. There, doctrinal theory would find practical application, and connect the student as a meaningful part of the Body of Christ.
The curriculum at NLBC strongly emphasizes the study of the Word of God. A thorough knowledge of the Bible is necessary to be equipped for any aspect of Christian ministry. Therefore, NLBC primarily focuses on Biblical Studies and secondarily on related practical subjects.
One’s vision determines one’s destiny. At NLBC, we provide an atmosphere of hope and purpose, where students can explore and discover God’s will for their lives. There, the student can observe and become involved in an effective and growing Church through which the student’s own calling and preparation may be worked out experientially.
We desire to see Biblical truth developed in the life and experience of the student. In order to accomplish this, we require field ministry and internship involvements and these assignments are available in a variety of areas. This type of practical training helps produce graduates who are not novices in their field of Christian service.
World missions is part of the heartbeat of NLBC. Students can be eligible to be invited on periodic trips to foreign fields, where their passion for the great commission can be expressed. Through these cross-cultural experiences, students learn valuable lessons about what it takes to share the Gospel beyond their respective personal worldviews.
But what makes NLBC unique is a strong emphasis on the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit. Students are regularly exposed to powerful ministries that God is using today, and all teaching highlights the resurrection Life of Jesus Christ at work. This provides opportunities for the student to grow in his or her understanding of – and experience with – the supernatural power of God.
The Principal Objective
The principal objective of NLBC is to equip believers for ministry. This includes the development of those called to vocational ministry as well as the development of those who desire to bring kingdom influence into the marketplace. Our educational emphasis provides a pathway for those seeking ministerial credentials in selected organizations and denominations.
Admissions Requirements
Prospective students may make application any time prior to regularly scheduled registration days. It is recommended that prospective students apply for admission at least three months before their anticipated date of entrance. The College admits new and transfer students at the beginning of each term, in August and January.
Admission to NLBC is granted without regard to race, color, or national origin to all applicants who meet the College’s requirements.
NLBC was founded in 1981 as a Degree Granting School of Theology, and maintains a current state license to grant degrees as a Religious Exempt organization pursuant to California Education Code (CEC) §94739(b)(6)). NLBC is not accredited at this time.
Academic excellence and recognition is an important part of any college student’s consideration in choosing an institution for educational preparation. In order to standardize many educational procedures and approaches to learning accrediting organizations have been established. These organizations serve to help a student find recognition in other educational institutions for the work they have accomplished.
However, many well-known and respected educational institutions have not desired accreditation as they have found the liberty to design their own curriculum approaches to be more important. Yet, the excellent quality of their education has earned them a universal recognition among their peers.
At NLBC there are over 50% more lecture hours in the actual study of the books of the Bible than in the standard accredited curriculum. These classes are considered upper division. Undergraduate requirements are the same for general education units as in the standardized accredited curriculum and must be transferred in from such an institution to receive the Bachelors Degree offerings at NLBC.
With regard to recognition among educational peers, officials of the Northern California Nevada District of the Assemblies of God consider the graduates of NLBC to be some of the best-prepared ministerial candidates.
Our graduates have been able to transfer units of study to many institutions across the nation as they have continued their education in various other majors of study.
Cooperative Graduate Schools
Qualified graduates with the Bachelors Degree offerings at NLBC have been received and excelled in graduate programs in many top graduate schools including:
- Fuller Theological Seminary
- Golden Gate Theological Seminary
- Simpson College
- Azusa Pacific College
- Assemblies of God School of Theology
- Liberty University
- Patton College
Courses Offered
First Year
Fall Semester
The Covenants (OT1)
Letters of Paul 1 (PE1)
The Life of Christ (LOC)
Practical Ministry 1 (PT1)
Internship 1
Spring Semester
The Kings (OT2)
Letters of Paul 2 (PE2)
Foundations of Christian Doctrine (FCD)
Practical Ministry 2 (PT2)
Second Year
Fall Semester
The Wisdom Books (OT3)
Hebrews & Apostolic Letters (HGE)
Acts, Church History, & Revival Movements (ACH)
Practical Ministry 3 (PT3)
Spring semester
The Prophets (OT4)
The End Times (Daniel & Revelation, ETDR)
Introduction to Biblical Counseling (IBC)
Practical Ministry 4 (PT4)
Summer Session
Marriage & Family Counseling (MFC)
Counseling Methods and Practice (CMP)
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2023/2024 Courses & Schedule
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